The Ultimate Blueprint of Manifestation
Know and experience immense power of emotions, shed your negative emotions, learn to align your inner world with your life goals and ignite the state of successful manifestation.
To manifest your desires without any delay and much friction you need to
1) Support your goals with your emotions
2) Stay tuned with higher frequencies
3) Maintain the state of resourcefulness
To achieve all this you should
Firstly, be aware of your emotions,
Secondly learn to shed the negative emotions
Thirdly align your positive emotions with your life goals & lastly create & maintain the state of manifestation
This course will empower you to detox emotionally and manifest your dream life through a proven four-step formula
Course Structure
- 4 Sections
07 video lessons
- Life Time Access
Know and experience immense power of emotions: Gain a deep understanding of the law of attraction and how your emotions are intricately connected to the manifestation process. Learn how to cultivate a mindset of abundance, shift your vibration, and tap into the unlimited possibilities that exist within you
- Role of emotions in manifestation process
- How to align with law of attraction to get the desired outcomes in life
Shed your negative emotions: Learn effective techniques and strategies to release emotional blockages that may be hindering your manifestation efforts. Through deep introspection and guided meditation, you will uncover and heal negative emotions that have held you back from creating the life you truly desire.
- Self-love & Mindfulness Coaching to shed your emotional poison
- Emotional Detox Technique to Cleanse & Heal Emotional Body
Learn to align your identities, beliefs, thoughts, emotions & actions with your life goals. Know what is stopping you to get positive results and how to change it? Goals alignment exercise will give you clarity of your inner world existence and enable you to align in the right way to manifest your goals faster.
- Goals Alignment Coaching
Self-love manifestation state
Ignite state of Manifestation Within: unlock your full manifesting potential, create a powerful shift in your emotional landscape and set the stage for a life of unlimited manifestation possibilities.
- Powerful Emotional Technique to Create Resourceful state & Enhance Self-love
i am very much thank full for helping me tochange my life i was suffering from lot manythings and was totally trapped in negativityand it went to that level that i lost myconfidence was fully on medicines but therewas no results in this i came to know aboutpayal mams course of emotional detox and ijoined it it was just a miracle in my life afterattending all the sessions and meditations ifelt really very light from the very first dayfirst time i was peacefull and happy and withfurther with self love sessions all goodthings started adding in me i started feelingvery happy my confidence level was boostedmy family could see the change in me andthey were very happy payal mam patientlygives very good tips and lessons every levelwe really feel the change in ourself onlything is we have to trust and practice allsessions as per guided my payal mamsurely anyone can join payal mams sessionsand always stay happy thanks to payalmam ones again
Tejal Parekh
Its amazing program when i enrolled for emotional detox program | was very much sure it will be life changing and i understood we can shift/change our emotions in just 5 days i was seeing shift in me i enrolled further for advance 90 days course it helped me not only for my inner self as well i was in actionable control of my life started my cafe doing lots of work in environment and most important i’m loving myself it reflected on my well being thankyou shakti payal goda for changing my life and given different level to it lots of love and divine!
Vaishali Patkar
The best programme to detoxify your negative emotions and come into alignment with self i got instant results after completing the five days now i am accepting myself fully loving myself unconditionally and living my life fully which was dream of years 2 thanks to shakti payal goda my self love guru to show me the path of love life and success!